Land: Green anoles are native to south Eastern United States, Cuba, Jamaica, and other Caribbean islands.
Adult Size: Green anoles grow to be 6-8" long
Appearance: The green anole male has a dewlap - pink or red in color - that extends from his chin. Green or muddy brown body color, which depends on mood and climate, with a white underbelly. Green anole males are of a solid color across the back, females have a white stripe along the backbone.
Diet: Green anoles eat crickets, spiders, earthworms, flies, banana, oranges, greens (collard or kale). Anoles are mainly insectivorous, and will readily devour any insect you toss in. Some green anoles will occasionally take small amounts of fruit puree, offered in a tiny cup attached to one of their branches
Ease of Care: Green anoles are easy for a novice/beginner. They make great pets, but are somewhat delicate, and require more space and care than one would think based on their size.
Habitat: Green anoles prefer a day temp 77-86F. Night temp 65-74F. Substrate of course gravel covered with mix of sand and peat. Needs branches and leaves for shelter and climbing.
Drink: Green anoles should have daily misting and or drip system, shallow water dish.
Sleeping Habits: They are active during the day and come nighttime they climb onto a branch or leaf and go to sleep.
Temperament: One of the more calm members of the Anole family however they still are skiddish and do not like to be held.
Breeding: They readily bread in captivity. Females loose calcium when bearing eggs which is dangerous to her health. The eggs are laid one at a time a week apart. Once the eggs are laid the female never returns to them. They need to be incubated soon after they are laid
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